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Association of Cardiologists of West and Central Africa (ACWCA)

Title I
General Provisions

Article 1
Created in accordance with the laws and regulations, an association known as:

Association of Cardiologists of  West and Central Africa (ACWCA)
It aims to bring together all those involved in all aspects of research methods, studies and clinical as well as paraclinical explorations, contributing to the prevention, diagnosis and therapy of cardiovascular diseases.
This association will also serve as a tool for the integration of its members within the PASCAR which is one of its components.

Article 2
- Its duration is unlimited
- Its headquarters are in Dakar (Cardiology Department at CHU Le Dantec)

Article 3
- The means of action of the association are:
1 - Meetings devoted to the presentation and discussion of topics relevant to
Cardiology, in the tropics in particular and cosmopolitan in general
2 -  Work published by the members of the Society or international scientists as well as regulatory reporting and the review  Tropical Cardiology are useful information to cardiologists thus constitute a means of expression

3 - The Association will encourage specific works related to Cardiology, and then discuss the reports that emanate from them.
4 - The association may affiliate with any national or international society pursuing the same goals.

Title II

Article 4

The association is composed of Members as well as Honorary Members
- The members are elected by an absolute majority of Members and honorary members present or represented at the meeting following the entry of the election on the agenda.
They must be submitted by two Members or honorary members.
- Honorary members may be selected by the board, among those who rendered or currently rendering services to Cardiology. They are elected by the General Assembly, upon presentation of the board and are exempt from fees.
Members of national societies affiliated with The ASCAOC are ex officio members of the association.

Title III
Administration and Operations

Article 5
The association is administered by a board chosen among its members. This office includes:
- A President
- A Vice President
- The Secretary General
- The Secretary General Deputy Director of Publication of the journal Tropical Cardiology
- A General Treasurer
- A Deputy Treasurer
- An External Accounts

Article 6
The officers are elected for 4 renewable years

Article 7
The Bureau meets at least once a year and whenever it is convened by its President or at the request of a quarter of its members. The presence of the majority of existing members of the board is necessary for the validation of deliberations.
Minutes of meeting sessions are established.
The minutes are signed by the President and the Secretary of the meeting. It is established by the presence of a sheet which is signed annually by members entering the meeting.
The annual report and accounts are sent annually to all members of the society.

Article 8
The board President represents the association in all acts of civil life.
It orders spending. It is responsible for submitting a moral and an activity report to the Assembly.

Article 9
The Vice President assists the President and he replaces him during his absence

Article 10
The Secretary General shall assist the President in his administration. He is particularly in charge of invitations, minutes of meetings and correspondence that do not require the signature of the President.

Article 11
The Deputy Secretary specially dedicated to publications replaces the General Secretariat in case of need. He is at the same time the editor of Tropical Cardiology.

Article 12
The Treasurer General is responsible for financial management and accounting. He ensures the return of contributions. He operates the accounts on behalf of the Association.
To this end, he signs with the President, all the necessary acts.
He presents a financial report to the annual Ordinary General Assembly.

Article 13
The Deputy General Treasurer backs him up in all his functions.

Article 14
The Auditor is responsible for checking and verifying the accounts.

Article 15
The General Assembly of the association includes all Members. It is the highest authority of the association. It elects the board of the association. Only members whose membership fees are up to date are entitled to vote.
The membership fee is 25,000 CFA francs per member and 100,000 CFA francs per national society.

Article 16
The ordinary General Assembly shall meet at least once a year, convened by the President of the Society during a congress of a national society or on the sidelines of a meeting of the PASCAR.
Several General Assemblies may be convened at the request of the majority of the members or the board.
Decisions are taken by an absolute majority of members present or represented at a rate of two proxies per member present.

Article 17
The convocation as well as the agenda of the Ordinary General Meetings shall be sent at least 30 days in advance.

Article 18
  The Assembly first hears reports on the activities of the board as well as the moral and financial reporting. It then deliberates on the issues on the agenda and conducts the election of members.

The minutes shall be certified by the President and the Secretary General. There is a presence sheet which is signed by each member entering the meeting.
These minutes can be brought to the attention of other members of the Society at least eight days before the General Assembly.

Article 19 --
Expenditures are authorized by the President or, upon delegation by the Vice-President.





Title IV
Amendment of statutes and dissolution

Article 20
The statutes can be amended upon the proposal of the board or by one third (1 / 3) of the members. Any proposal to amend the Constitution should be given to the members at least 3 months in advance of the meeting for this purpose.
The Assembly, meeting in special session should consist of at least a majority of its active members. If this proportion is not reached, the Assembly is convened again at least two weeks apart, and this time it will be valid regardless of the number of members present.
In any case, the statutes can be amended only by a majority of two thirds (2 / 3) of the members present.

Article 21
The General Assembly which meets in a special meeting called to decide on the dissolution of the society shall be specially convened for that purpose and must include at least two-thirds (2 / 3) of the active members.
If this proportion is not reached, the Assembly is convened again at least 3 months apart and this time, it can validly deliberate regardless of the number of members present. In all cases, the dissolution can only be voted by a majority of two thirds (2/3) of the members present.

Article 22
In case of dissolution, the General Assembly appoints one or more responsible for the liquidation of the association property. It allots the net assets to one or more similar or recognized public utility.